Registration Information

We do not charge photographers an admission fee or a fee to access the sunflower field for business purposes. However, we do require all photographers to donate 1 FREE photo session to be used in a prize package for West Virginia Sunflower Festival pageant contestants. Each photographer may structure their package as they see fit with as little as 1 FREE pose/digital image. The contestants will likely purchase additional sessions from you so this should bring additional business to you. The contestant is required to do their free session when it is convenient for the photographer. Normally, contestants will plan to meet the photographer on a day/time when the photographer is already scheduled to be at the sunflower field. If photographers do not wish to donate at least 1 free photo to a contestant, you may pay $100 as an alternative.

All photos entered in our photo contest by photographers or clients will be used to promote the sunflower farm on social media, printed publications and possibly television. You are agreeing to allow your work to be used by Sunset Berry Farm.

If you do not wish to donate a free session for sunflower pageant contestants, you may be released from this obligation by paying additional $100 per day that you plan to do sessions at the sunflower farm. Please text 304-646-3784 to make arrangements.

We do not limit the number of photographers in the field, however we do keep a calendar of expected attendance for each day as a courtesy.

Text Jennifer with any questions 304-646-3784
RegFox Event Registration Software